
1.No warranty
Investor relation information on this website is intended to provide our financial data, our guidelines for management and business outline information. However, we do not guarantee any kind of future projections provided or implied on this website. We are not responsible for any damage or losses incurred from the use of the information available on this website. You are requested to assume responsibility for making any investment.
2.No reliance
While we have endeavored to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, we do not provide any warranty or guarantee as to its accuracy or lack of errors. Irrespective of the reason, we assume no responsibility for any problems incurred from data downloaded or defaced by third parties.
3.Disclaimer of future projection
Future projection is stated or implied in the information provided on this website. These statements or implications inherently contain uncertainties or risk due to economic environment changes, etc., and as such, do not provide any guaranty of our achievement in the future. Forecast of achievement stated or implied on this website may differ from actual achievement, due to uncertainty or events beyond our control.
4.Change in website contents
We reserve the right to suspend operation, or change the contents, of this website at any time without prior notification. Moreover, this website might not be available for normal use, depending on your communication and/or computer environment or other reason. We do not assume responsibility for any trouble, damages or losses incurred from its use.